Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thermal Imaging

 What is thermal imaging?
“Also called thermography or thermal video, is the means by which humans may see in the infrared portion of the spectrum. Since every object gives off some amount of thermal radiation, thermal imaging is ideal for observing a scene in conditions of extreme darkness or when obscured by smoke, fog, rain, or snow. Some types of night vision use thermal imaging, and thermal imaging is considered the best form of night vision, as it can reveal objects in the blackest of nights. Thermal imaging is used widely in security, the military, navigation, surveillance, firefighting, industry, medicine, and science” 

You’re probably wondering why a home inspection company is talking about thermal imaging. Well, here’s the deal, we use it! As a home inspector we use thermal imaging to show home owners things in their home that can’t be seen with the naked eye. 

Below is a list of the things that thermal imaging can help home inspectors, and home owners to see:
1.       Evaluate the electrical equipment in the property, which will show if overheating is an issue.
2.       Detect hidden water penetrations from roof and plumbing leaks.
3.       Wood damage caused by insects.
4.       Damage and rot in stucco.
Call Houston Inspections today at (713) 408-1129 for more information!


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